Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Featured Hotels In Fort Lauderdale | "Consumers entitled to voice their holiday experiences"

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Category    : Featured Hotels In Fort Lauderdale
By          : Ft. Lauderdale Airport Hotels
Posted By   : Hotels in Fort Lauderdale

Over the years I have written on a number of occasions about what my thoughts are on the future of holiday reviews and the debate about the trustworthiness of such reviews continues. I think it is important to remember that it is essential that consumers continue to be given a voice to express their experiences.

Earlier, I was reading a piece written by Linda Fox, a journalist at industry news site Tnooz, which highlights that a company called Kwikchex have created a system that reviews, review sites.

Featured Hotels In Fort Lauderdale
I can’t help that it is being done to gain media attention – especially when the business itself rates the quality of hotels, and helps clean up the reputation of businesses like hotels. There must surely be a conflict of interest here? Why should we believe their proof of quality mark over any others?

Consumers realise that hotels and other holiday businesses will try and trick the review system on any website, so most of us use review sites to help gain a general impression of what to expect. I also think that we are intelligent enough not to base the standard of a hotel just by one or two reviews left. We all have different opinions on what makes up a great place to stay on our holiday.

The travel industry is running scared that consumers have an opinion and that opinion is having an impact on the holiday booking decision-making. Will the future be quality marks and reviews of review websites by third-party companies like KwikChex, I hope not.

Whenever I am planning a trip I always check the reviews of the hotel, but this is more to paint an impression on what I should expect when I stay at the hotel. What do you think about the future of review websites? Do you still read and trust reviews?

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