Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Affordable Hotels in Fort Lauderdale|"Local Hotel Business Dropped"

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Category        :   Affordable Hotels In Fort Lauderdale
By                  :   Gitzel Puente
Posted By     :    Hotels In Fort Lauderdale

Affordable Hotels In Fort Lauderdale

Hotels in the Valley are off-season right now, being the slower summer months. Local cities are competing with beach destinations in Organce and Los Angeles counties. Compared to 2012, one small hotel owner in Palm Springs says he's definitely seen a decrease in business."Last year was a very big boom season for us. Numbers were very big, so in comparison to last year, yeah we're down here at the rendezvous maybe 20 percent at the very most," explains the general manager of Rendezvous Hotel, John Michael Cooper.

The total number of people staying at a hotel in Palm Springs dropped below 50 percent in July, that's the lowest showing this year. "Maybe people are hopping on a plane for their summer trip, maybe they're staying home, maybe things aren't necessarily the best ever," says Cooper. Despite the low numbers, all rooms are booked at the Rendezvous Hotel for this week. Many tourists say Palm Springs is still a top destination on their list. "Palm springs is perfect because even though I know you call this the off-season now, this is the season we come. It's so relaxing to be here. We live in a big city, so this is not the big city," shares a traveler from Los Angeles, staying at the Rendezvous Hotel. For hotel owners, they have the peak-season to look forward starting in November and running until April. "We're very optimistic. We're going to see numbers bumping up. People are going to start coming back in. The holidays are going to be a very big season for us," says Cooper.

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